Room Rental Policy
The Windsor Public Library Board permits the use of library meeting rooms by individuals, non-profits, and commercial organizations needing facilities for training or meetings and by non-profit educational, cultural, political, or civic groups.
Windsor Public Library Meeting Room Application Form and Term of Use. To book a room or to check on availability, please call 519-255-6770.
The Windsor Public Library Board does not endorse the views represented by any group using library facilities. Promotional materials must not imply Library sponsorship.
A non-profit organization is an association, club, or society that is operated exclusively for social welfare, civic improvement, pleasure, recreation, or any other purpose except profit. Groups may or may not be a registered charity with a charitable registration number.
The renter agrees to indemnify and “save harmless” the Windsor Public Library Board from any action or claim being brought against it as a result of the use of the Windsor Public Library facilities;
The Windsor Public Library Board is not responsible for personal injury or damage, or for the loss or theft of clothing and equipment, of anyone attending on the invitation of the renter. This disclaimer also applies to the use of the parking lot;
Any damage to the Windsor Public Library buildings and/or its equipment must be repaired or replaced at the renter’s expense;
Room capacity is for lecture style seating. Number of persons must not exceed maximum capacity;
Use of any equipment or kitchen facilities must be requested at the time of application for use of the meeting facilities. Kitchen use is restricted to the service of non-alcoholic beverages and light refreshments. No dishes or utensils are provided;
The use of alcoholic beverages in meeting rooms must be indicated at the time of booking and a permit to serve alcohol obtained by the renter and a copy supplied when the room is booked. The original permit must be displayed at the time of the event.
Smoking is not permitted in any Windsor Public Library buildings.
Religious groups may use the meeting rooms only for public educational programs. Religious services in Windsor Public Library are not acceptable.
– Click here for a list of meeting rooms and fees.
– Bookings must be made at least 72 hours prior to the use of the facility.
– Fees must be paid in total at time of booking. In the event of a cancellation with 72 hours notice, Windsor Public Library will refund 75% of the total fee.