Opening Hours/Branches
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Please select a library or archives for full details including hours of operation:
- Archives (519) 255-6770 x4414
- Central Branch (519) 255-6770
- Bridgeview Branch (519) 255-6770 or 519-255-6635 x2200
- Budimir Branch (519) 255-6770 or 519-255-6635 x3300
- Fontainebleau Branch (519) 255-6770 or 519-255-6635 x5000
- Forest Glade-Optimist Branch (519) 255-6770 or 519-255-6635 x5400
- John Muir Branch (519) 255-6770 or 519-255-6635 x7700
- Local History Centre (519) 255-6770 or 519-255-6635 x4437
- Riverside Branch (519) 2556770 or 519-255-6635 x6600
- Seminole Branch (519) 255-6770 or 519-255-6635 x8800
- W.F. Chisholm Branch (519) 255-6770 or 519-255-6635 x5500