John Muir Branch
Location: 363 Mill Street
Postal Code: N9C2R3
Phone: (519) 255-6770 or 519-255-6635 x7700
Manager: Leisa Pieczonka
![Transit Windsor](/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/transit-windsor.gif)
Bus Routes: Crosstown 2, South Windsor 7
Hours of Operation:
History of John Muir
The transformation and commissioning of the 1921 Sandwich Fire Hall and Stable into a stunning 21st. century public library facility is a spectacular example of innovative planning and construction. The iconic state-of-the art facility is a popular Sandwich destination.
The historically accurate restorations of both heritage buildings includes:
► Existing hose-drying tower converted to a glass-capped observation tower
► Sky-lit suspended walkway to a multi-use space on the 2nd floor of the stable housing WPL local history collection
► Outdoor piazza constructed with reclaimed granite stones Glassed-in community room with built-in digital projector & screen Fully accessible heritage building with an elevator between floors
► The 2nd floor exposes the original charred timber from the 1941 fire
JUST THE FACTS… SIZE: 7,400 square feet (1,400 SF basement & 6,000 on 1st and 2nd floors) COST: $5.5 ARCHITECT: Jason Grossi, studio g+G inc.architect CONTRACTOR: Intrepid General Ltd.