WPL is proud to announce the launch of it’s Bookmobile On Demand delivery service.
If you’re interested in having your library materials dropped on your doorstep by our very own bookmobile, FRED, please email us or contact us by phone at 519-990-1517 with your name, library card number, address and phone number as well as a brief description of the types of materials you are interested in borrowing. From there our staff will put together a personalized care package tailored to your tastes, and have it delivered directly to your doorstep. Deliveries will be left outside your home, and you’ll receive a call from our driver when your delivery has arrived.
Can I return stuff I am done with, so others can use it?
Please note that all overdue and checked out materials and holds will be extended indefinitely and fines will not accrue until we re-open. Customers are asked to keep all library resources and materials as the Book Drops are closed. Materials can be returned when we re-open. Access to e-resources has been restored for customers with blocked and expired cards while we remain closed.
Hi …I just was reading this email and wondered if Fred has Charlotte’s Web…and if you are able to get it during g this Covid 19. One of my foster children’s class is reading this book but he cant keep up because he has learning g disability and ADHD…so I wo deed if we could read it on our own so he can participate in the conversations about it. Thanks.
Happy to help. Send us an email here and we can set that up.
Can we ask for specific books to be delivered? I am a member.
Thanks for your interest Steve. Contact us by phone at 519-990-1517 with your name, library card number, address and phone number as well as a brief description of the types of materials you are interested in borrowing. From there our staff will put together a personalized care package tailored to your tastes, and have it delivered directly to your doorstep. Deliveries will be left outside your home, and you’ll receive a call from our driver when your delivery has arrived.
I have recently moved to Windsor and didnt have a chance to get library membership. Can i register somehow?
Happy to help with this. Check out this video which details how to get a WPL library eCard.
I live outside of Windsor and my local library isn’t open or offering material at this time. I have a library card with WPL and I’d like to check out more materials from your library but since I don’t live in Windsor is there somewhere I could be in windsor in order to receive material during a drop off?
Thanks for the question Julie. I have passed on your question to our delivery team and they will contact you directly. Stay tuned!
Hello, I would like to apply for the FRED delivery service. I live around the block from the public library so I see no issue with this but I’m not sure how to apply
Thanks for your interest Ashley. Contact us by phone at 519-990-1517 with your name, library card number, address and phone number as well as a brief description of the types of materials you are interested in borrowing. From there our staff will put together a personalized package tailored to your tastes, and have it delivered directly to your doorstep. Deliveries will be left outside your home, and you’ll receive a call from our driver when your delivery has arrived.