Access the Largest Digital Library Ever

Windsorites looking for eBooks will soon have access to the largest digital library Windsor Public Library has ever offered.  Effective Monday, April 1, your library card and PIN will provide admittance to , which links the digital libraries from dozens of institutions across Ontario to create an easy-to-access online digital library.

With your library card in hand, you’ll need a computer or mobile device such as a tablet or smartphone, and a few minutes to search and access books.  cloud Library will replace Overdrive and Axis360 on May 30, 2019.  Holds placed before that date will transfer to the new platform.

The cloudLibrary app works as a digital portal with an eBook lending service, allowing library card holders to check out digital copies of works licensed by  local libraries across Ontario. The app is available for download on most devices. Through the app, you can browse by subject and genre, borrow content, place holds and return titles, and you can set email notifications to receive an alert when a book on hold is ready for downloading.

This application makes it easier than ever to find eBooks or eAudiobooks from Windsor Public Library. It includes a fully functional reader allowing the user to read their ebook directly in the app, as well as bookmark and save the position of their book across devices. It also includes an Audiobook player, allowing the user to download, play and listen to their books offline.

During the initial phase-in period, content in cloudLibrary will be limited.  Presently, it includes titles purchased recently (after March 15) as well as additional copies of titles with long holds lists in the other platforms, and replacement copies of titles with expired licenses.

Material from Overdrive and Axis360 will also be added to cloudLibrary.  On May 30, we will transfer all existing ebook content to cloudLibrary and then we will enable cloudLink, which will provide customers access to the cloudLibrary collections of all Ontario public libraries.  These two actions will increase the size of our ebook collection to around 100,000 items.

Access to Overdrive and Axis360 will be eliminated after the collections have been transferred to cloudLibrary.

We are offering access to the platform now, even though its contents are limited, to allow customers to become familiar with it, and to provide access to the most-recently published content.

In addition, French-language eBooks will be available for the first time in this format at Windsor Public Library.

Click here for more information on cloudLibrary and to download the application.  For requests for assistance, please contact us here.




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9 Responses to "Access the Largest Digital Library Ever"

  1. Janet Ouellette says:

    Have downloaded cloud library app and successfully read one book.
    Now, book shows up on my list but when I try to access, pages are blank.
    I have tried on both iphone and ipad

    • Chris Woodrow says:

      Thanks for your inquiry Janet. I understand our staff reached out to you directly and the issue had been resolved.

  2. Chris Luhowy says:

    I noticed the new cloud database by chance, registered and downloaded a few eBooks. While using the filter option, I noticed there was no language option…quite a few French language books were among the fiction categories I selected. Wondering if you will be fine tuning this as you move to providing the cloud database exclusively? It would be great to be able to filter out the items readers can’t read (for example, any language other than English)? Thanks for reading my comment.

    • Chris Woodrow says:

      Advanced Search options, including the ability to search by language, are available in the app, which can be downloaded to a desktop computer or a mobile device.

  3. Rick Kit says:

    Unable to access library after downloading App. Keep getting error message “patron not found”?

    • Leisa says:

      Hi Rick, Please give us a call at 519-255-6770 and we can look into this and try to resolve your issue. Thank you!

  4. D'Etta Meloche says:

    Will I be able to download ebooks directly through my kobo forma?

  5. suzanne says:

    Hi. I am so disappointed that you moved your Overdrive to eCloud. I downloaded the “reader”, selected my book but it won’t download. I use WPL every single day and can’t believe this is happening. Was it really necessary to convert the WPL Overdrive.