New Sandwich Towne Library to Honour John Muir

The new Windsor Public Library branch in Sandwich Towne will be known as the JOHN MUIR PUBLIC LIBRARY.  Both City Council and the Windsor Public Library Board voted unanimously to bestow the honour on Mr. Muir, a consummate volunteer and library supporter who not only gives of his own time but, more importantly, has inspired others to become involved in the revitalization of Sandwich Towne.

Plans call for the 3,800 sq. ft. branch to be housed in the renovated old Sandwich Fire Hall on Mill Street. The $2.5 million renovation project is expected to be complete by April 2018. Staff is currently working on the preliminary designs which will be presented to the library board later this year.

In making the announcement, Windsor Public Library Board Chair, Dr. Peter Frise, said that the naming of the new Sandwich branch is a truly fitting tribute to John. “He has worked tirelessly for the community and is a driving force in advocating for the citizens of Sandwich.”

Mr. Muir was Vice-Principal of General Brock Public School for 4 years in the 1970s and returned as principal from 1981 to 1987 and immediately became a leader is advocating for a public library in Sandwich. He organized a presentation to the Windsor Public Library Board and to Windsor City Council, bringing a delegation of children with him for added impact.

A non-profit group, the Friends of Sandwich Library, was formed with Mr. Muir as President. The group continued to lobby for a library in their community, and their efforts paid off. Sandwich Library was built in 1997, but he did not stop there. The library needed materials, so the Friends of Sandwich challenged City Council to match their pledge of $150,000 to buy new materials. The Friends worked tirelessly, raising money through bingos and various other endeavours. In April 2001, they made good on their pledge and presented their final payment to Windsor City Council.

The Windsor Public Library Board and staff are privileged and honoured to recognize John for his ongoing efforts to make the community a better place.

In addition to these achievements, Mr. Muir positively impacted other projects as well. He was a leader in the Bi-Centennial Celebrations held in 1997 and in the community Sandwich Towne Festival held each September. His fundraising efforts have helped to provide the community with free festive events and children’s activities.  He was also instrumental in the development of the Sandwich Health Centre which opened in 1989.

More recently, he has spearheaded the drive to create a sculpture of General Isaac Brock and Chief Tecumseh to commemorate the War of 1812. He began the project back in 2012 on the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812. The City of Windsor will wait until September of 2017 to unveil the statues in Sandwich Towne as part of Canada’s 150th birthday celebrations.

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