Internet Policy

The Windsor Public Library offers Internet Access to its customers as another information resource. While the Internet provides a variety of resources for different age levels and points of view, the Windsor Public Library Internet service is intended for educational and informational uses. The Windsor Public Library cannot guarantee, and is not responsible for, the accuracy of the information obtained via the Internet. The accuracy of the information is the responsibility of each originator and/or producer.

  • Users must have a valid library card and PIN.
  • Users cannot log-in if their privilege has expired or their card is blocked
  • The Internet service at the Windsor Public Library is not to be used for purposes contrary to law.
  • As with more traditional resources, the Windsor Public Library does not act in place of a parent and cannot be responsible for enforcing restrictions which a parent or guardian may place on a minor’s use of this resource beyond requested direction to a filtered station.
  • The Windsor Public Library will not be held responsible for any charges incurred by users of the Internet.
  • Users are guests on the system and should act with respect and consideration for one another.
  • Users shall comply with all applicable Internet protocols.
  • Users shall strictly comply with and be subject to the Windsor Public Library’s Internet service provider agreement.

The Windsor Public Library reserves the right to implement and enforce usage procedures as necessary including posting of rules and regulations, and to withdraw access privileges or impose other appropriate sanctions for those who do not comply with the protocols, rules, regulations or service provider agreement. The City of Windsor is the Windsor Public Library’s Internet Service Provider.

1. Nature of Internet

  • Library assumes responsibility only for the information provided on its own web pages.
  • Library cannot control the availability of information links that often change rapidly.
  • Library assumes no responsibility for any direct or indirect damages arising from the use of its connection to Internet services.

2. General Access to Library Resources

  • Customers must log on to computers using the on-line booking system, as available, with their library card ID and confidential PIN or sign up at the service desk.
  • There will be a posted fee for all printing.
  • Time limits for use will be posted at all locations.

3. Disclaimer

  • No filtering product can block all offensive sites.
  • Library assumes no liability in the event the filter is not 100% effective. The currency of the filter or the content provided through it, is the responsibility of software vendor.
  • While recognizing that the Internet provides access to a vast array of tools and resources for different age levels and points of view, the Windsor Public Library does not act in place or in absence of a parent and is not responsible for enforcing any restrictions which a parent or guardian may place on a minor’s use of this resource except the authorized direction to a filtered station.
  • At least one computer in the children’s area at each location has had filtering software installed. It is the responsibility of the parent to decide what type of computer their child should use by returning the signed Kids@your library permission form that specifies filtered or not filtered access.

4. Prohibited activities

  • Use of workstations for illegal, actionable or criminal purposes or to seek access to unauthorized areas.
  • Infringement of copyright and other intellectual property rights.
  • Use of FTP.
  • Installing any software programs.
  • Subverting or attempting to subvert any security devices in either software or hardware format which the library has installed on its Internet workstations.
  • Installing or attempting to install viruses or other programs designed to damage or alter software on the workstations, the local area network or the Internet, or seeking unauthorized access to any computer system.
  • Sending unsolicited commercial material or spamming.
  • Misrepresenting oneself as another customer.
  • Attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords or data belonging to others.
  • Vandalism or theft of library property.
  • Use of library’s computer resources for personal commercial profit.

5. Consequences of Violating Internet Policy

  • Violation of the library Internet access and use guidelines, misuse or abuse of computers or programs may result in Internet privileges being revoked.
  • Serious offences or repeated violations will result in removal from the library.
  • Customers using the library Internet workstations for illegal purposes will be subject to prosecution.