Nurture your physical and mental health by managing stress and workplace burnout and also by developing coping skills and by releasing your untapped potential. Invest in yourself by exploring Windsor Public Library self-help resources and programs.
In October, the WPL ‘We’re More Than Books’ Campaign continues, featuring the many ways customers can search for knowledge and comprehension in a hectic and chaotic world – we call phase 5 of the campaign – ‘Shelf Help”. We’d like Windsorites to discover what many customers have known for a while – a library card provides access to a wealth of educational and instructive materials.
The year-long campaign is focused – in a fun way – on resources not usually associated with public libraries, but resources which are necessary for us to survive in the world today. The message we want the community to take away is that WPL is ‘more than books’.
Past themes have included Shelf Indulgence, Shelf Awareness, Shelf Improvement and Off the Shelf. The October theme is the penultimate piece of the campaign, before the conclusion in December with Self Indulgence which will focus on holiday celebrations and entertaining.