my ebook will be available in 824 days ?!?!

If you are using cloudLibrary and are on the holds list for some of our popular titles, you might be surprised (and discouraged) to see the estimated wait time listed as 300, 400, 800 days! We assure you that you will not have to wait THAT long. The short of it is that Macmillan, one of the big publishers, is only allowing libraries to purchase one copy of their eBooks in the first eight weeks that the book is in publication. Once that eight week period is up we can purchase extra copies to meet demand, and you will see the wait times drop significantly. This issue does not impact all eBooks – it is a publisher specific embargo. You can find more information on the topic here: For now, we encourage you to continue to place your holds on titles that you would like to read, as this will allow us to most effectively determine how many additional copies to purchase once we are able to do so.


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