Tell Us Where To Go – Again?

Where should the new Central Library be located?

It’s been a hot topic across the Windsor Public Library system this summer and the community has certainly made its voice heard.

More than 1,500 comments have been gathered at meetings, through surveys, comments posted to the WPL website, emails and social media. Popular options included the Paul Martin Building, Devonshire Mall, the Old/New City Hall area and Jackson Park.

You also told us that the Downtown Core or the Cultural Hub was your preferred district.

Now, we’re asking for your input one final time? The two top, viable options include the Cultural Hub, close to the Windsor International Transit Terminal or the Jackson Park area.

Please take a minute to let us know your preferred location from these 2 finalists?

Please click here for the survey.

Thank you for taking time to help us out!



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12 Responses to "Tell Us Where To Go – Again?"

  1. barry says:

    Use the old waterworld building.

  2. Arijit says:

    Does asking for an opinion make a difference? Monsieur mayor and his coterie sold the present library in complete secrecy, without informing the public (or even the library staff) and nobody had the courage to question his decisions. I think asking for opinions is a complete waste of time, because the aforesaid have already made plans where to waste the public funds ten times over……

  3. stu says:

    I’m a little late to the game here…I just voted for Cultural Hub; even though I have no idea of the exact location. But I don’t think it would be a good idea to be near Jackson Park for traffic reasons.
    That area has 2 high schools, 2 very busy grocery/restaurant plazas, 2 main roads running N/S-W/E, 2 areas with 2 sets of railroad tracks that causes back up. Imagine the traffic when Jackson Park holds seasonal/wedding events.

  4. David says:

    Tear down a couple of houses and build it on Massey Court in South Windsor.

  5. Larry Beneteau says:

    I spoke to the mayor and told him that tearing down the “old” City Hall was a very stupid idea!!! It could be restored and used as the Central Library building. It would probably be cheaper than constructing a new building.
    But no, in Windsor we love to tear down older buildings to put up modern ones. There is no sense of history or heritage in this city, except for Walkerville and Sandwich.
    Travel around this province and you will see many of the beautiful “old” City and Town Halls.
    This is the answer to the new library location question.
    I know that you will probably ignore these comments. However, what will you answer when the next generation asks us why we tore down so many of our beautiful, historic buildings, like the “old” City Hall. Thank you. LRB.

  6. Noelia says:

    I agree with the above messages to renovate old buildings to preserve some of the architectural heritage of the city. I vote for the “cultural hub”, maybe having a library there will actually give some sense to the name.

  7. Sarah Cipkar says:


    I am wondering if there can be a more open and transparent process where the results of the last several surveys can be made public? I am kind of surprised about these options.

    I also think that the postal codes of where individuals live should be an option, so that we know where the majority of people from the downtown neighbourhood are advocating for. I am concerned that there is an influx from people outside of the downtown neighbourhood, which should weigh less in the decision making.

    Thank you,

    Sarah Cipkar

  8. Kevin Johnson says:

    Neither of these are good. I live just a couple of blocks from Jackson Park so that would be close for me personally, but it is not close enough to the downtown centre. And the cultural hub is too close to the river — why locate it so that you’re wasting one-half of the walkable perimeter? Please go back to the drawing board. How about Ouellette and Giles? How about the site of the soon-to-be-downsized Hotel Dieu? Don’t pull yet another amenity out of downtown, and don’t try to cram another civic institution into the cultural hub trying to reach critical mass.

  9. Jane Sparrow says:

    I believe with all the students downtown along with the number of seniors residing there as well that the cultural hub area would be the most preferred. It could also hold the archives and be a drawing for visitors to our area. N8X 3K5

  10. Edward says:

    I think the best location is downtown close to the transit terminal. There are a few sites on University Avenue that are vacant or parking lots that would be good. A signature building there would be a great link between the University of Windsor and tha downtown.

  11. Betty says:

    Whatevrr site is chosen, make sure that the considerations for a good wotkable library for both patrons and staff are considered. Too often staff needs are not considered. Bad decision to sell the current library.

  12. Heather Roberts says:

    I would prefer the new library be near the transit terminal.