Windsor Public Library is pleased to announce it is now offering another online eResource to WPL customers: PressDisplay. WPL joins 13 other Ontario public libraries currently offering this service.
PressDisplay is the online version of the resource that produces WPL’s printed NewspaperDirect Print-On-Demand newspapers, which are offered in-branch at Central Library (850 Ouellette Avenue).
PressDisplay provides instant online access to today’s newspapers from around the world in full-color, full-page format. The ever-expanding collection currently includes more than 2,000 titles—from 100 countries in 56 languages—and is an eco-friendly alternative to print publications. PressDisplay provides powerful browsing, reading, searching, sharing, and social tools that can help patrons grow knowledge, explore special interests, and see the world in a whole new way
PressDisplay allows customers interactive access via internet browser to full content, same-day newspaper and magazines with back issue availability. Customers will be able to select from all of the newspapers on the web site, including The Windsor Star. Windsor Public Library offers both in-library and remote access (i.e., at home, school, work or play) to PressDisplay. It runs on computers, tablets, smartphones, and eReaders
To access PressDisplay, WPL customers visit WPL online at, click on eResources, click on Databases, and then under SPECIAL INTEREST, Newspapers, click on PressDisplay.
WPL will continue to provide NewspaperDirect Print-On-Demand print-outs in addition to PressDisplay.
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