Literary Arts Windsor introduces The Jean Foster Award

On November 2, at Bookfest Windsor 2013, Lenore Langs announced The Jean Foster Award, established by members of Literary Arts Windsor to honour the work and friendship of Jean Foster. It will be awarded to a young person (under 24) whom Literary Arts Windsor judges to have written the best 250-word essay about the importance of books and what books and reading mean to an individual. No amount of this annual prize has yet been established but the first prize should be awarded next year. A fine honour indeed!

Jean Foster served the Windsor Public Library for 12 years in a variety of managerial positions including Acting CEO for two years. Her love of literacy and lifelong learning spilled over to her volunteerism and Jean gave generously of her volunteer hours to many organizations devoted to literacy and social justice.

Jean had a passion for increasing public awareness of library programs, promoting the use of library resources, and providing leadership in building/developing community partnerships. She brought to her work a diversity of academic credentials, leadership in the development of entrepreneurial solutions in the public sector, an encyclopaedic knowledge of information technology issues, an ability to manage change, work with community organizations, and a dynamic vision for the future of the library.

Jean Foster passed away May 26, 2013, after a courageous battle with cancer. She took great joy in participating in community service where her colleagues and friends will always remember her compassion, her giving spirit and her kind heart.

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