Windsor Public Library Presents Authors Oppel and Sylvester

BookFest Windsor 2013 takes place November 2 and welcomes more than 25 celebrated authors presenting readings, panel discussions, book signings, and workshops on a variety of genres including novels, biographies, short stories, poetry, graphic novels, and comics.

In addition to the program on November 2 at the Capitol Theatre, there are also special BookFest Windsor events at a number of venues including the Central Branch of Windsor Public Library, 850 Ouellette Avenue.

On Friday, November 1, WPL presents Kevin Sylvester who will lead a 10:00 am and 1:30 pm program, each consisting of a reading, a cartooning “class” and time for questions from his audience of students in grades 3 through 6, but everyone is welcome.

On Saturday, November 2, WPL presents award-winning author Kenneth Oppel who will be leading a free workshop at 10:30 am in the Self-Publishing Lab in which he will be speaking on how he got his start as a writer and touch on several of his titles as well as the inspiration for them. The workshop is geared to young writers, ages 8-14, but all ages are welcome.

For more information about BookFest Windsor, visit Visit Windsor Public Library at and at the following sites:;;; and


• on Kenneth Oppel, contact Sue Perry, WPL ‘X-Press Self-Publishing Lab Facilitator at 519-255-6770, ext. 4603, or email
• on Kevin Sylvester, contact Anne Rutherford, Manager, Board Operations & Executive Assistant to the CEO, at 519-255-6770, ext. 4420, or email

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