35 Years of the Forest Glade Branch

Join us to celebrate 35 years of the Forest Glade Branch! Take a tour through time and explore the history of Forest Glade, narrated by former Branch Librarian David Eady.

Archie the Horse Visits Windsor Public Library

Windsor Public Library sure doesn’t stand in the way of true love – particularly when a long road trip is involved. Who can say ‘nay’ when Archie, a beautiful and very rare Dutch Cremello, stopped by Central Branch in downtown Windsor the other day. Archie and his family were on route from Toronto to South Carolina to meet up with his girlfriend when they needed some assistance – and of course since WPL ‘is more than books’, we were happy to help out. Archie was ‘hoarse’ with thanks when the family finally got back on the road.


– Each sunflower is made up of thousands of tiny flowers (as many as 2,000 individual flowers make up the signature sunflower bloom)
– Sunflowers should be harvested in the morning (they may wilt if harvested later in the day)
– Sunflowers were domesticated around 1,000 B.C. and are native to the Americas (though there is evidence the plant was cultivated by Native Americans as early as 3,000 B.C. – https://www.thespruce.com/fun-facts-about-sunflowers-3972329)
– Sunflowers are harvested for their seeds, which can be eaten or made into an oil
– A dried sunflower can be used as a unique birdfeeder
– There are approximately 70 species of sunflower (their genus name is Helianthus, which is derived from the Greek words for “sun” and “flower”
– Sunflowers will literally seek out and face the sun in their bud phase (called heliotropism)
– The tallest sunflower recorded was 30-feet and 1-inch, and was grown in Germany
– Sunflowers can be good at absorbing some toxins from the air

Tips for growing sunflowers:
– Sunflowers need full sun
– Use a slow acting fertilizer (they can grow up to six feet in just three months)
– They need regular watering (in the summer, a good rule of thumb is every other day)
– Shield them from the wind
– Plant them in soil that can drain
– When harvesting the sunflowers, do it in the morning and cut the stem at an angle. You’ll know they’re ready to harvest once the heads starts to droop and the seeds are drying up and turning brown
– To prepare sunflower seeds to eat: soak them in water and salt overnight; bake in a 200-250 degree Fahrenheit oven for 30-40 minutes, until golden brown

– Sunflowers require full sun and well-drained soil to thrive
– To protect them from birds, a mesh bag or nylon stocking can be used to cover the bloom
– The sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine
– Sunflowers are very attractive to bees
– Sunflowers typically reach between 5 and 12 feet in height, and can reach full height in as little as six months
– Sunflower is the only flower with “flower” right in its name

– Sunflowers are called soniashnyk in Ukrainian
– They’ve been grown in Ukraine since the mid-18th century
– Sunflowers have long been used as a symbol of peace in the country: in 1996, U.S., Russian, and Ukrainian defense ministers planted sunflowers to mark Ukraine giving up nuclear weapons

– In Greek mythology, there is a story of a water nymph who was devoted to the sun god, Apollo. He paid her no notice, and out of compassion the other gods turned her into a sunflower, which is why the face of the sunflower is always following the sun
– The sunflower figured prominently in some Native American harvest festivals, thus “elevating sunflower symbolism to include harvest, bounty and provision”
– Sunflowers are both beautiful to behold, and functional, as they provide seeds we can eat, useful oil, dye (from the petals), and stalk pith, which can be used to make paper

WPL and Shinebright YQG are teaming up to bring sunshine to Windsor/Essex County.

Known for comedies that caught the spirit of their time, Reitman’s big break came with the raucous, college fraternity movie National Lampoon’s Animal House, which he produced. He directed Bill Murray in his first starring role in the summer camp flick Meatballs, and then again in 1981’s Stripes, but his most significant success came with 1984’s Ghostbusters.

Reitman was born in Komarno, Czechoslovakia, in 1946 where his father owned the country’s biggest vinegar factory. His mother had survived Auschwitz and his father was in the resistance. When the communists began imprisoning capitalists after the war, the Reitmans decided to escape, when Ivan was only four. They travelled in the nailed-down hold of a barge headed for Vienna.

He studied music and drama at McMaster University in Hamilton, and began making movie shorts.

Other greats that Reitman had a hand in include Junior, Beethoven, Twins, and Legal Eagles with Robert Redford. Check one out today!

Did you know we have these available? Check it out!

You can pick up your FREE copy of this book at the Windsor Public Library. Just call 519-255-6770 and we will be sure to get a copy sent to your preferred branch for pickup.

Here’s the story behind the book, straight from the author himself:

Thanks to Jo-Anne Gignac, Riverside Library was able to purchase a scanner that can help preserve photos, diaries, journals, newspapers and other family treasures.

Call 519-255-6770 ext. 6600 for more information!

Do you know the facts about Menopause? Let these menopaws mythbusters enlighten you!

October is Dyslexia Awareness Month. Discover some facts here!