
Join Teen Advisory Group for the 2015-2016 School Year!


It’s hard to believe that summer is almost over and that back to school time is almost here While we’re sad to see summer go, one thing we do love about the fall is that we get to welcome a whole new crew to our Teen Advisory Group! What is exactly is a Teen Advisory Group, you ask? Well, it’s a fun way for teens to have their say about what they want to see happening at Windsor Public Library. TAG members meet with WPL staff once a month (usually the 2nd Wednesday) at Budimir Library. They gather to share ideas for teen programming and to let staff know what YA materials they want to see on the shelves (both in the library and virtually). Every other month is book chat month where we share thoughts about what we’ve been reading. TAG also plans and participates in fun programs such as Improv Night and Movie Night.

You earn volunteer hours for attending and participating in TAG meetings and you can also earn extra hours by writing book reviews for our blog. All those in grade 9 and up are invited to join.

TAG is a great way to participate in your library, get to know other teens and to earn a few extra volunteer hours! If you’re interested in joining TAG, contact Leisa at for more info. Our first meeting takes place Wednesday, September 9 from 6:30-7:30pm.



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