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Visual Arts, University/College Prep (AVI4M)

Overall Expectations:

Creating and Presenting

The Creative Process: apply the creative process to create a variety of art works, individually and/or collaboratively

The Elements and Principles of Design: apply the elements and principles of design to create art works for the purpose of self-expression and to communicate ideas, information, and/or messages

Production and Presentation: produce art works, using a variety of media/materials and traditional and emerging technologies, tools, and techniques, and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of ways of presenting their works and the works of others

Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing

The Critical Analysis Process: demonstrate an understanding of the critical analysis process by examining, interpreting, evaluating, and reflecting on various art works

Art, Society, and Values: demonstrate an understanding of how art works reflect the society in which they were created, and of how they can affect both social and personal values

Connections Beyond the Classroom: demonstrate an understanding of and analyse the requirements for a variety of opportunities related to visual arts


Terminology: demonstrate an understanding of, and use correct terminology when referring to, elements, principles, and other components related to visual arts

Conventions and Techniques: demonstrate an understanding of conventions and techniques used in the creation of visual art works

Responsible Practices: demonstrate an understanding of responsible practices related to visual arts