Grade 5 Overall Expectations:
Number Sense: demonstrate an understanding of numbers and make connections to the way numbers are used in everyday life
Whole Numbers
- Advanced Complete MathSmart: Grade 5 (Book)
- The Key: Math, Grades 3,4,5,6,7 (Book)
- MathSmart in Ninety Days: Grade 5 (Book)
- Place Value Millionaire (Website)
- Comparing and Ordering Very Large Numbers (YouTube)
- Comparing Numbers Represented in Different Ways (YouTube)
- Rounding Large Numbers (YouTube)
Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
- Advanced Complete MathSmart: Grade 5 (Book)
- The Key: Math, Grades 3,4,5,6,7 (Book)
- MathSmart in Ninety Days: Grade 5 (Book)
- Ready for Fractions and Decimals (Book)
- Fractions and Decimals (Book)
- Decimals and Fractions (Book)
- Twizzlers Percentages Book (Book)
- Percents and Ratios (Book)
- Word Problems using Decimals and Percentages (Hoopla eBook)
- Decimals and Fractions (CloudLibrary eBook)
- Fraction and Decimal Word Problems (CloudLibrary eBook)
- Equivalent Fractions (Database article)
- Equivalent Fractions (Database article)
- Proper and Improper Fractions (Website)
- Improper Fractions (Website)
- Decimal Number Lines (Website)
- What are Mixed Numbers? (Website)
- Cuisenaire Rods (Website)
- Finding the Common Denominator (Website)
- Least Common Denominator (Website)
- Place Value of Decimals (Website)
- Decimal Demonstrator (Website)
- Fractions, Decimals, and Percents Vocabulary (Website)
- Count on in Decimal Steps (YouTube)
- Counting back in Decimal Steps (YouTube)
- What are Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions & How to Convert Between Them (YouTube)
- Improper Fractions & Mixed Numbers (YouTube)
- Comparing Decimals to Hundredths using Visual Models (YouTube)
- Equivalent Fractions (YouTube)
- Comparing & Ordering Fractions with Different Denominators (YouTube)
- Fractions to Decimals, 1 (YouTube)
Operations: use knowledge of numbers and operations to solve mathematical problems encountered in everyday life
Properties and Relationships
- Advanced Complete MathSmart: Grade 5 (Book)
- The Key: Math, Grades 3,4,5,6,7 (Book)
- MathSmart in Ninety Days: Grade 5 (Book)
- Middle School Mathematician (LaunchPad)
- Math Planet (LaunchPad)
- Commutative Law (Website)
- Associative Law (Website)
- Distributive Law (Website)
- Distributive Property (YouTube)
- Properties of Addition and Multiplication (YouTube)
- Intro to Order of Operations (YouTube)
- Order of Operations (YouTube)
Addition and Subtraction
- Advanced Complete MathSmart: Grade 5 (Book)
- The Key: Math, Grades 3,4,5,6,7 (Book)
- MathSmart in Ninety Days: Grade 5 (Book)
- Fractions and Decimals (Book)
- Adding Mixed Numbers (Database article)
- Subtracting Mixed Numbers (Database article)
- Addition of Fractions using a Visual Model (Website)
- Subtraction of Fractions using a Visual Model (Website)
- Adding & Subtracting Decimals (Website)
- Add and Subtract Decimal Numbers up to two places (Website)
- Adding & Subtracting Decimals Song (YouTube)
Multiplication and Division
- Advanced Complete MathSmart: Grade 5 (Book)
- The Key: Math, Grades 3,4,5,6,7 (Book)
- MathSmart in Ninety Days: Grade 5 (Book)
- Fractions and Decimals (Book)
- Percents and Ratios (Book)
- Rate (Website)
- Rates and Ratios (Website)
- Ratios and Rates (YouTube)
- All about Ratios (YouTube)
- Unit Rates (YouTube)
- Unit Rates (YouTube)
- Introduction to Ratios (YouTube)
- Simplifying Ratios (YouTube)