Grade 5 Overall Expectations:
Creating and Performing: apply the creative process to create and perform music for a variety of purposes, using the elements and techniques of music
- Making Music (Book)
- Learning Musical Instruments (Series) (Book)
- Guitar for Kids (Hoopla)
- Ready to Make Music series (Hoopla eBook)
- Groovepad (App)
- Soundation (Website)
- Music Lessons iOs (Website)
- Blank Sheet Music (Website)
- Virtual Music Instruments (Website)
- Steady Beat: Entry Kentry Activity (Website)
- Rhythm/Pitch: Mystery Message Game (Website)
- Rhythm Tic-Tac-Toe (Website)
- Note Naming (Website)
- Music Symbol Swat (Website)
- Elements of Music (YouTube)
- The Rondo (YouTube)
- How to Read Music (YouTube)
Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing: apply the critical analysis process to communicate their feelings, ideas, and understandings in response to a variety of music and musical experiences
- Those Amazing Musical Instruments (Book)
- Freegal (Website)
- Beethoven for Kids (Hoopla eBook)
- Band Geeks (Series) (Hoopla eBook)
- The Mystwick School of Musicraft (Hoopla eBook)
- Masters of Music (Series) (Hoopla eBook)
- Showtime (Hoopla eBook)
- Louis Armstrong (Hoopla eBook)
- African American Musicians and Entertainers (Hoopla eBook)
- Vivaldi’s Four Seasons (YouTube)
- In This Together (YouTube)
- Stand for Canada (Website)
- Classics for Kids: Hear the Music (Website)
Exploring Forms and Cultural Contexts: demonstrate an understanding of a variety of musical genres and styles from the past and present, and their sociocultural and historical contexts
- The History of Rock Music (Book)
- Jazz and Its History (Book)
- Legends, Icons & Rebels (Book)
- The Rap Scene (Book)
- Raggin, Jazzin, Rockin (Book)
- How to Be a DJ (Hoopla eBook)
- Yo-Yo Ma (Hoopla eBook)
- Beethoven for Kids (Hoopla eBook)
- Evolution of Music (YouTube)
- Scottish Pipes and Drums (YouTube)
- African Drums (YouTube)
- First Nations Drums (YouTube)
- Brazil Drums (YouTube)
- Latin American Music (YouTube)