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Grade 2 – Healthy Living

1 – Understanding Health Concepts

Grade 2 Overall Expectations:

Personal Safety and Injury Prevention

Demonstrate an understanding of practices that enhance personal safety in the home, outdoors, and when online;

Identify common food allergies and sensitivities and the reactions they might cause;

Substance Use, Addictions, and Related Behaviours

Describe the differences between prescription medicines and non-prescription medicines, giving examples of each, and identify rules for the proper use of all medicines;

Human Development and Sexual Health

Outline the basic stages of human development and related bodily changes, and identify factors that are important for healthy growth and living throughout life;

Demonstrate the ability to identify and appreciate aspects of how their bodies work and describe what they can do to ensure that they will continue to appreciate their bodies as they grow and change;

Mental Health Literacy

Demonstrate an understanding of how a person’s body and brain respond to challenging or uncomfortable situations and describe what they can do to feel better at those times.

2 – Making Healthy Choices

Grade 2 Overall Expectations:

Healthy Eating

Use Canada’s Food Guide to assess the nutritional value of meals, and identify food and beverage choices that enhance healthy growth and development;

Demonstrate an understanding of how to make healthy food choices for meals and snacks, considering the factors they can and cannot control;

Personal Safety and Injury Prevention

Explain the importance of consent and demonstrate the ability to stand up for themselves and others, to enhance well-being and safety;

Human Development and Sexual Health

Demonstrate an understanding of and apply practices that contribute to the maintenance of good oral health;

Mental Health Literacy

Explain how understanding and being able to name their feelings can help in knowing when they might need to get help.

3 – Making Connections for Healthy Living

Grade 2 Overall Expectations:

Personal Safety and Injury Prevention

Describe how to relate positively to family members, caregivers, and other, and describe behaviours that can be harmful in relating to others;

Substance Use, Addictions, and Related Behaviours

Describe methods that may be used instead of or in combination with medication to maintain good physical and mental health and prevent or treat various health problems.