On this episode, hosts Erica, Carla, and Mary-Lou do some island hopping along the Detroit River. Listen as we explore Peche Island, Belle Isle, and the infamous hum of Zug Island.

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For further information, check out the resources used in this episode:

Peche Island 

Best of the Times Magazine: Stories and Imagery from the Archives of the Times Magazine (a.k.a. The Walkersville Times), edited by Chris Edwards & Elaine Weeks (2006)

Tourism Windsor-Essex: Peche Island

Windsor Public Library Famous Windsorites: Peche Island

Belle Isle

Lost Detroit by Cheri Y. Gay (2013)

A History Lover’s Guide to Detroit by Karin Risko (2018)

Detroit Historical Society: Belle Isle Park

Zug Island 

Zug Island Documentary

 Colin Novak on NPR

Windsor Public Library Famous Windsorites: Windsor Hum