Internet, Wifi & Computers


Computers with internet access are available at all Windsor Public Library locations.

Maximum Session Length 1 hour


Wireless Access through WPL Hotspot
To log on to the service:

  1. Turn on/restart your WiFi-enabled device
  2. Connect to the wireless network “WPL Hotspot” using your library card
    and PIN
  3. Once connected, open your web browser
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions
    It is the responsibility of library users to configure their laptop or other
    device to access the wireless service. Library personnel are not able to
    help wireless network customers configure their equipment as each
    computer is different.


  • – A wireless hotspot is not a secured network environment. Keep this in
    mind if you are accessing confidential personal or business information.
    Information sent to or from your laptop can potentially be captured by
    someone else.
  • – It is your responsibility to protect your device from viruses and hackers
    (e.g. by up-to-date anti-virus software, firewalls, etc.)
  • – The Library recommends that credit card, online banking information and
    passwords NOT be transmitted while using the wireless network
  • – The Library assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment or for
    laptop configurations, security, or data files resulting from the connection
    to the WPL wireless network
  • – Printing is not available through the wireless network
  • – Available power outlets may be used wherever the cord does not present
    a tripping hazard or block access for patrons or staff. Chairs or tables are
    not to be moved to electrical outlets. It is recommended that you charge
    your battery before coming to the library.
  • – Please use headphones when listening to audio streams.

24 Responses to "Internet, Wifi & Computers"

  1. Windsor Public Library says:

    You do not need a reservation for using a computer at the branches but the availability is on a first-comes first-served basis.
    The computers have connection to the internet. For your Google Drive question, I have inquired to the IT Department, but I think if you connect to Google drive through a web interface, it shouldn’t be a problem.
    I suggest you try beforehand.

  2. Stuart Stevens says:

    Hello, does the public Library have Mac computers available to use?

  3. Acer Laptop No Bootable Device Error says:

    Does the library have PCs that have the old 3.5-inch floppy circles?

  4. Anna Hansen says:

    Worst library ever went to! I’m a 55 year old lady, I come sometimes to do some important paper work for my job, and I have to wait hours because of these little 12 year olds playing games on each computer! Rediclous! They should make a rule no games allowed, this is a library not a game shop, they have game shops for kids. On top of it, they finish and let their bodies on so now your waiting extra time. And then when you finally get on and need some peace time, you got the same kids yelling in your ear and constantly making noise, it’s rediclous! Games should not be allowed neither should yelling or being noisy in a library!

    • A Resident says:

      Wait… are you honestly saying that you, a 55 y.o adult woman, has more right to a PUBLIC library than 12 y.os….? Who presumably have the exact same library cardholder rights as yourself, and much less disposable income?

      I think the library made the right call.

      • Emma says:

        I agree with Anna myself. There are people that may need the computers for important things and the computers should be available to them. It’s not that Anna should have higher priority because of her age, it’s that people shouldn’t be hogging the computers for frivolous activities.

  5. NCS says:

    They should make a rule no games allowed, this is a library, not a game shop, they have game shops for kids. On top of it, they finish and let their bodies on so now you’re waiting extra time. And then when you finally get on and need some peacetime, you got the same kids yelling in your ear and constantly making noise, it’s ridiculous!

  6. Eric says:

    I don’t suggest having internet at school. Maybe limited access. Just my opinion, my god I’m old

  7. Mike says:

    Want to know if there is free printing here? if so is it wireless or designated computers in the library only?

    • Windsor Public Library says:

      Printing is available for a fee. Cost of printing is $0.25/copy(b/white).
      Designated computers only. If you bring a usb stick you can print from our stations.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I am an Advisor with Junior Achievement. To finish the program, I need to meet with a single student and make some final calculations based on audited spreadsheet numbers. Is there a computer at the Forest Glad branch we can use to access the internet? Will this computer allows us to view a document that has already be loaded to Google Drive?

    • Chris Woodrow says:

      Thank you for your question. If you have a library card you can certainly use the public computers at Forest Glade Branch to access the internet. You should have no issues accessing your Google Drive.

  9. christina says:

    I don’t have a library card so does that mean I cannot access the internet with my computer while I am there?

    • Leisa says:

      Thank you for your question, Christina. You do not need a library card to access internet via your own computer at WPL and are welcome to use wifi at any of our branches. But if you’re a Windsor-Essex County resident, we certainly encourage you to sign up for a library card when you’re in. You’ll have access to a variety of materials that entertain and inform!

  10. Vaniece says:

    Can I access the internet without a card? How much is if for a library card? Also what are your hours ?

    • Windsor Public Library says:

      You don’t need a library card to access internet via your own computer at WPL and are welcome to use wifi at any of our branches. But if you don’t have your own computer and wish to use ours, you need to get a library card. If you live in Windsor or in Essex County, the library card is free. If you live outside Essex County, the library fee is $50/year. Our hours depend on the location. Central Hours are:
      Monday: 9:00 am – 9:00 pm
      Tuesday: 9:00 am – 9:00 pm
      Wednesday: 9:00 am – 9:00 pm
      Thursday: 9:00 am – 9:00 pm
      Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
      Saturday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
      Sunday: 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
      For other locations, please click on this link.

  11. Alam says:

    Does your computer’s have the latest version of Adobe reader?

  12. Connor says:

    Does the library on Ypres allow people to come in with their own computer to study during COVID?

    • Chris W. says:

      We look forward to welcoming customers back when is it safe to do so and allowable under Ontario’s Covid-19 Response Framework. Presently, WPL can only offer limited and modified in-person service that aligns with the province’s Red-Lockdown Restrictions. We are open for curbside, delivery and pick-up services and for customers to access computers and photocopiers only. No browsing of materials, classes, programming or community services of any type are permitted under red restriction guidelines.

    • Jennifer says:

      You can now come in and studying as of July 16, 2021 under step 3 of the Reopening Ontario Plan:

  13. Nanbal says:

    Also, Do I need a library card to access the WiFi?

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