All Library Branches To Be Open Next Week

Following a successful re-opening trial at Budimir, Central, Local History and Riverside branches, Windsor Public Library will be re-opening the remainder of our locations on Tuesday, September 8.

Services will resume at Bridgeview, Chisholm, Fontainebleau, Forest Glade, Muir  and Seminole.  Normal operational parameters will be in effect.  Customers will have direct access to library resources and computers, although meeting rooms will remain closed.  Customers will be asked to self-screen at the door and social distancing will be expected.

Please note, by an order made under Subsection 4(1) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, Mayor Dilkens has declared that a non-medical face covering must be worn in public spaces – including library public spaces.

Click here for branch Summer Hours.  On Monday, September 21 all location revert to Winter hours

As branches re-open, customers are welcome to come in and pick up their holds again as Curbside Pickup and Home Delivery will stop.

Customers unable to enter a branch can reach out to explore other options by calling  519-255-6770, Extension 4404 or by email.


-The number of customers allowed in each location is limited for your health and safety

All customers are required to wear a mask, as per City Council Order made under Subsection 4(1) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act.  WPL will provide a free mask to any customer who does not have one.  Exemptions to this rule are outlined in the Order

-Customers are asked to selfscreen when visiting.  Signage at the entrance will advise customers not to enter the building if they have a fever or are experiencing other Covid symptoms

-Materials returned by customers will be quarantined for a period of 72 hours after use before being returned to the shelves or being given to other customers

– Tables and chairs are arranged to facilitate social distancing

– We are not limiting the duration that people can stay in the library at this time

– Signage at the entrance as well as floor stickers throughout the library will remind customers to engage in safe social distancing

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7 Responses to "All Library Branches To Be Open Next Week"

  1. Saifullah Sani says:

    can you go and make a library card?

  2. Kevin Chau says:

    So glad that Libraries are reopening again! Miss my daily visits to the Library, Questions about returns: Will any branches (Chisholm) will be accepting in person returns at this time?

    • Chris W. says:

      Thanks for the question Kevin. Yes, you can return materials inside. They will undergo the same quarantine process as materials returned through Book Drops.

  3. D says:

    You need to limit the amount of time people can stay. I went to 3 different libraries In one day last week to try and get something done for work and couldn’t get in any of them.

    • madeinwindsor says:

      Thanks for your feedback. We are monitoring the number of times we hit our maximum capacity and have to turn people away. Fortunately, we have had no reports at this point in time of that happening at any of our locations. We do have limited seating and computers at all locations to facilitate social distancing. If you would like to discuss further please contact the Branch Public Service Manager at

  4. David Hanna says:

    All Windsor Public Libraries are open other than the empty, stupidly abandoned former Windsor Public Library Main Branch on Ouellette St. A WPL Main Library that was designed as Windsor’s Main Library, served it citizens well and could have continued to do so except for ill planned and idiotic decisions to close and sell it by the Windsor Public Library Board and Windsor City Council.

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