WPL Branches Scheduled To Re-Open at the End of August

With entry into stage 3 of the Ontario Action Plan in response to Covid-19 on August 12, Windsor Public Library is provided the opportunity to reopen branches and re-launch services, many of which have been unavailable to the community since March 19.

“The health of our staff and customers is our most important consideration as we plan to re-open,” says Councillor Rino Bortolin, chair of the WPLB. “We have spent considerable time over the past several months preparing to open our doors, preparing our facilities to safely welcome customers and ensuring staff has the training and resources they need. At all times, we will follow provincial re-opening guidelines and direction from the Windsor and Essex County Health Unit.”

On Monday, August 31 WPL will trial a re-opening of Central, Budimir, Riverside and Local History branches under normal operational parameters.  Customers will have direct access to library resources and computers, although meeting rooms will remain closed.  Customers will be asked to self-screen at the door and social distancing will be expected.  If the trial openings go as planned, remaining branches will re-open on Tuesday, September 8.  Curbside Service will end when branches open.

Please note, by an order made under Subsection 4(1) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, Mayor Dilkens has declared that a non-medical face covering must be worn in public spaces – including library public spaces.

“When opening branches, WPL will adhere to the Stage 3 Reopening for Ontario Public Libraries guidelines issued by the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries,” says WPL CEO Kitty Pope. “In June we carefully began curbside service and in late July we opened for public computer access.  Much of the planning, organization and adherence to health and safety protocols which guided us through the implementation of those initiatives will continue to be in force when we re-open at the end of August.”

Throughout the re-opening trial, staff will monitor branch activity and make adjustments to the re-opening plan when necessary.

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15 Responses to "WPL Branches Scheduled To Re-Open at the End of August"

  1. Mairi Lenover says:

    Any decision on when Chisholm branch will open?

    • Chris Woodrow says:

      Thanks for the question. With entry into stage 3 of the Ontario Action Plan in response to Covid-19, Windsor Public Library will be starting a trial re-opening at Central, Budimir, Riverside and Local History branches on Monday, August 31 – under normal operational parameters. Customers will have direct access to library resources and computers, although meeting rooms will remain closed. Customers will be asked to self-screen at the door, social distancing will be expected and the wearing of a face covering is mandatory. If the trial openings go as planned, remaining branches – including Chisholm – will re-open on Tuesday, September 8.

  2. Mairi Lenover says:

    Thank you!

  3. Patricia Lynch says:

    When will delivery service end?

  4. Carol Antonelli says:

    Will there be someone available to hep me with my e-reader? The books say they are returned to the library,but are still on my computer.
    Thank you,

  5. May says:

    Will home delivery end once all the branches open or when the individual’s home branch opens?

  6. Chris Woodrow says:

    Please check here.

  7. Carol Awad says:

    I’m trying to continue reading aN ebook I downloadEd from cloud and it wo nt let me access it.. The comment is: it needs a password and a shows a string of letters/numbers s9d3f. Can you help?

  8. Jack Roach says:

    I need to look up some obituaries at the local history branch. I know the branch is rather small so social distancing may be a problem. Do I need to make an appointment to access the equipment?

    • Chris Woodrow says:

      Our Local History Branch will re-open to the public on Monday, August 31. Hours are as follows: Monday 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm; Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 10:00 am – 6:00 pm; and Friday & Saturday 9:00 am – 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm. The branch has been set-up to ensure social distancing can be achieved and masks are mandatory. No appointment is necessary. Good Luck!

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