To utilize our Curbside Service, simply place holds on materials in the same manner as always by accessing your library account on our website.
On receipt of notification that the order is ready, call 519-796-5119 or complete the online form found on our website. A response will be forthcoming within one business day, at which time an appointment can be made for pickup.
When picking up and dropping off, customers are urged to maintain all social distancing protocols and follow staff direction.
Hi..I borrow books for my Mom and want to establish a borrowing history.The two I had on hold she had previously read. Is it possible that this function is actually not available?..or am I missing something? Thanks
Send us an email here and we’ll try to assist.
So are you actually open to do curbside now? We have books that we’ve been waiting to drop off before COVID hit.
Yes we opened for curbside pick-up and drop off June 15. If you are returning materials, all of our drop boxes are open at all locations. No need for an appointment.
I would like to set an appointment for my hold on pick-up DVD’s by curb method
My phone number is
Hello! We will send your number to the person who does intake for our curbside service. You can expect a phone call within a day. For future curbside bookings please call 519-796-5119 or complete this online form . Have a great day!
How do I return books and when are they due? I have a bunch>
Send us an email here and we can look up what materials are outstanding and the due dates.
Question: why have an online portal at all if all you are going to do is call customers back to arrange a pickup? Why can’t customers email customers service? Or why has a dedicated email address not been established to field pickup requests? Thanks to the current system another day has been wasted playing phone tag after a online registration.
Unfortunately, at this time you cannot book a pick-up time but you can certainly discuss pick up times which are convenient to you when you are contacted by our customer support team. We apologize for the inconvenience you have been caused.