WPL Curbside Pickup and Delivery to Begin June 15

WPL is committed to a safe and gradual return to pre-Covid 19 levels of service, with the health and safety of customers and staff the paramount priority.  The announcement by the Province of Ontario that public libraries may begin to offer curbside pickup and delivery service is certainly welcome.

“After consultation with all levels of government, public health officials and other library systems, we believe it prudent to err on the side of caution and delay the rollout of curbside pick up and delivery to June 15,” says WPL Board Chair and city councillor, Rino Bortolin.  “We will spend the next several weeks fine-tuning a comprehensive rollout plan which both ensures the safety and wellbeing of customers and staff and provides a secure means to return previously checked out books and materials.”

The Windsor Public Library Board closed all library locations on March 20 and joined with the City of Windsor to combat the spread of Covid-19. Library staff was re-deployed to programs and initiatives supporting school curricula, enhanced online services, on-line story times and assisting customers with resources and materials questions plus a small group helped make non-surgical masks to give to those members of the community in need.  The 84 members of CUPE Local 2067.1 deserve thanks for the cooperative and flexible manner demonstrated during the WPL pivot to these community initiatives.

“We are all anxious to open and see our customers again and we are working hard to provide a safe and welcoming environment,” says WPL CEO Kitty Pope.  “Staff will begin returning May 25 to implement our curbside service.  Check our website regularly for information on the June 15 rollout of curbside delivery and updates on other services we offer.  All library branches will remain closed and all programming and outreach activities will remain suspended for the time being.  Of course, FRED, our bookmobile will continue to make home deliveries.  To schedule FRED, please call 519-990-1517.”

Once curbside service has been established, Windsor Public Library will trial Visit By Appointment, which will allow a limited number of customers in a branch, at any one time, to access materials, resources and public computers.  A detailed announcement on this will be made next month.

Information updates on the WPL Curbside Pickup and Delivery model will be posted when they become available.

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20 Responses to "WPL Curbside Pickup and Delivery to Begin June 15"

  1. Pat Gadoury says:

    when i ‘check’ out material – what would be the length of time to use this material? For example, I would like to check our Large Print ‘Clan of the Cavebear’ but would it be for only three weeks per usual requirements.
    Thank you

    • Chris Woodrow says:

      Thanks for your interest. Contact us by phone at 519-990-1517 with your name, library card number, address and phone number as well as a brief description of the types of materials you are interested in borrowing and we can arrange a delivery. When a staff person contacts you, all the details will be explained.

  2. Emilie Weidl says:

    Do we know yet when we will be able to place holds for pickup/delivery?

  3. JJK says:

    I have 2 inter-library loan books to return (one of which I couldn’t return when you closed but shows up as overdue on my account.) Is June the 15th the day returns begin? I don’t want to get “ding-ed” with big fines.

    • Chris Woodrow says:

      Please note that all overdue and checked out materials and holds have been extended indefinitely and fines will not accrue until we re-open. Customers are asked to keep all library resources and materials as the Book Drops are closed. Materials can be returned when we book drops re-open. Access to e-resources has been restored for customers with blocked and expired cards while we remain closed. We will be making an additional announcement on curbside service, the opening of book drops and an extension to the original suspension of fines shortly.

  4. Kornelia Richer says:

    My Library card # is not working as of yesterday, I tired to reset my password and it’s still giving me a error message and I can’t log into my WPL account. I also sent an email to customerservice@windsorpubliclibrary.com asking for help and the email came back as undeliverable.

  5. Judy fetter says:

    When can we start to reserve pick up drop off times ? And how is it done?

    • Chris Woodrow says:

      Thanks for your question Judy. We are busy finalizing our plans for curbside service and hope to announce them early next week. Our priority is to ensure both customers and staff are safe during the process. Stay tuned!

  6. Jennifer says:

    Hi..My Mom has two holds at the Riverside branch which came in just as the lockdowns began. She uses CD or play away due to vision impairment and has been awarded extended lending time. However, as she prefers to select her own material she has never taken advantage of the program which has someone select for her and deliver.. Can we assume that holds already waiting
    will be released on or soon after 15June? Or,, can I request that these items be
    delivered? We have one book left to read for the time being but will be happy to wait if
    we can anticipate a timely release of these items from Riverside . I wasn’t aware that delivery was an option.This must have been a Godsend to your a Customers who cannot read print.
    Thank you

    • Chris Woodrow says:

      Please note that all overdue and checked out materials and holds were extended indefinitely when we closed in March. So yes, your holds will still be available when Curbside Service begins June 15. If you’d prefer, please call us at 519-990-1517 to schedule delivery.

  7. Kevin Chau says:

    Hope our staff is staying safe and healthy at this time, Miss seeing everyone at the Library! When Curbside Pickup is available as of June 15th, will you guys be accepting returns then?

    • Chris Woodrow says:

      The first phase of the WPL COVID-19 Recovery Plan begins Monday, June 15 with the start of curbside pickup and the resumption of the return of checked out materials at all branches. Book drops will open at the same time to accept materials checked out prior to our March 19 closure.

      Customers with holds outstanding when we closed in March can make arrangements to pick them up curbside or schedule delivery.

      All overdue and checked out materials should be returned by July 15, at which point fines will be reinstated for unreturned materials.

      Details on how to access curbside pick-up and the process to return materials will be released early next week.

  8. Cathy M says:

    So how does this work have 4 books to return, 1 book that I requested Is now available for pick up. Library is just up the block can I walk over to drop and pick up at a set time?

    • Chris Woodrow says:

      I would suggest you call 519-796-5119 or complete the online pick-up registration form found on our website. A response will be forthcoming within one business day, at which time an appointment can be made for your pickup. When picking up, our drop boxes will be open to accept your returned materials.

  9. Karen Hayward says:

    Will there be a way to verify the returns for the curbside service ?

    • Chris Woodrow says:

      Returning materials now will be the same as before our closure. The only difference being that all returned items will be quarantined for 72 hours before being checked in and all returns will be backdated.

  10. Elina Gomez says:

    We know covid is pandemic right now. But we can’t stay any more time on lockdown. So we should work in a safe and welcoming environment. So don’t need to anxious.

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