There have been widespread outbreaks of Coronavirus – COVID-19 – around the world. For the time being, the risk of exposure to individuals in Windsor is low. The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit advises following standard prevention measures, including washing your hands regularly, avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands, and avoiding close contact with sick people.
Additional information from WECHU is available here.
The Government of Canada defines COVID-19 as an illness caused by coronavirus. Human coronoviruses are common and typically associated with mild illness, similar to the common cold. Symptoms may be mild or more serious and include:
-Difficulty Breathing.
Specific to COVID-19, Windsor Public Library strives to balance public service with public safety. For the present, library programs are continuing as planned. We will continue to monitor the situation closely, and make adjustments if and when necessary. Cleaning and disinfection of computers and associated electronic devices is important. As a courtesy, we encourage customers to take a moment to wipe down any computer equipment and associated electronic devices you may have used with disinfectant wipes.
For more information on Covid-19, please visit these links.
Hello, I’d like to know if the library will be open tomorrow even with the whole Covid-19 situation?
Thanks for your question. Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are closed. Please click here for additional information.