Category Archives: Programs

Christopher Paul Curtis To Talk at Central Library

Internationally renowned children’s author and friend of Windsor Public Library Christopher Paul Curtis will be at Central Library (850 Ouellette Avenue) on Saturday, March 24 to speak about his award-winning novels and talk about his journey from autoworker to bestselling author.  The event is suitable for both adults and children and will begin at 2 pm. Mr. Curtis will also talk about his new book, The Journey of  Little Charlie. Christopher Paul...
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Self-Driving Cars – What You Need to Know

The North American Auto show rolls out of town this weekend, but if you haven’t got enough of cars yet, visit us at W.F. Chisholm library, home of the Windsor Public Library Auto Archives, for a talk about the future of cars. Self-driving cars are big news these days, but what will they mean to our community?  How will autonomous vehicles affect our driving, and our industry?  Dr. Peter Frise will share his...
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Help us “Techorate” our Tree

It’s that time of year when everything that is standing still gets decorated.  This Saturday, December 9 we will be doing just that, but since we are doing it in the Tech Hub, we will be “techorating”!  Make some cool tech and science-based ornaments to hang on our tree or to take home.  All ages welcome, but those under 12 must be accompanied by a caregiver. Join us in the...
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Speed Friending is Back at Windsor Public Library!

Have you recently left the college or university scene, recently moved to the area or are just looking for new pals? We know it can sometimes be challenging to meet new people and WPL wants to make it easier for you with Speed Friending!  It’s a fun way to form new connections with other local 20-30 somethings. You’ll enjoy light refreshments while you spend the time getting to know your potential...
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Sandwich Writing Club at Bookfest 2017

Bookfest was amazing this year.  Thanks for a terrific time. Club members, Teen Mentors, and their parents had the pleasure of hearing Christopher Paul Curtis interview Kia Corthron as they share their journeys as authors In addition they heard “Jen Storm is an Ojibway from the Couchiching First Nation in Northwestern Ontario. Born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Jennifer completed Deadly Loyalties, her first novel, at age fourteen. Fire Starters is Jen’s first...
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77 boxes of books, craft supplies, games, and more were donated to the Library Live Children’s Clubs

Thank you to the community at large for your generous donations of books, games, art and craft supplies, movies, fabric, hula hoops, trains, posters, costumes, and more. My goal was to give away 150 prizes packages to participants at our summer programs in honour of Canada’s birthday.  Thanks to your generosity that goal was surpassed. Our TEEN members and volunteers were terrific in helping to sort all boxes and make up...
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Seed Library Launch Recap & Upside Down Tomato Planters

Thanks to everyone who came out to help us launch our seed library at our Central branch. We had a great time with some wonderful demonstrations, some new experiences, and the result is a beautiful apartment garden for the summer. If you missed it, no worries! We’ve got a season full of growing opportunities, so stay tuned to find out about more events. The apartment garden will be there all...
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Central Garden Party & Seed Library Launch

In 2016, we grew a lot. In Forest Glade, we launched our first Seed Library. Last summer, we also launched our first ever demonstration garden. Thanks to support from Councillor and Library Board member, Rino Bortolin, the balcony garden was a great addition through the growing season. In 2017, we’re making it even better. A new seed library has opened up at the Central Library (850 Ouellette Ave,) and we want to...
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Meet New Pals at Library “Speed Friending” Event

Making friends is difficult if you’ve recently moved to a new city or if work and education time commitments – and life in general – conspire to hinder the process. With the help of a good book, Windsor Public Library plans on providing a fun and casual way for you to meet other young adults in a casual, low-key and fun environment. Millennials aged 18 to 35 are encouraged to register for...
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Border City Charm – Windsor in Pictures

  Calling all Amateur Photographers! Celebrate Windsor’s 125th Birthday with the WPL   1892 – 2017 We invite you to capture our “Border City Charm” and share your images with us. To mark our great city’s 125th birthday, we would love to showcase Windsor’s inspiring people, interesting landmarks and the places Windsorites most enjoy. Take your inspiration from our city’s rich history, our multicultural DNA or whatever you think makes Windsor unique! Photos will...
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